Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tod's Story

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Tod Johnston,

'All The World's A Stage'
17 August, 2004

Tod Johnston

Episode 110
Tod's Story

Broadcast 6.30pm on 17/08/2004

Tod Johnston has carved out a career in the media industry since leaving school. His parents have
been treading the boards
of the world stage since,
well, longer than they'd
care to remember.
Tod set out to find whether
he was making career choices,
or if his future was
Chicken and the egg, so to speak.

Jill Perryman, Tod Johnston & Kevan Johnston

Jill Perryman, Tod and Kevan Johnston

TOD JOHNSTON: Is it nurture
or nature that shapes our destiny?
Either way we look at it,
I guess I'm a living
experiment. I mean,
I grew up in a place like this.
This is me as a baby.
My parents are Jill Perryman
and Kevan Johnston.
So you could say performance
was certainly going to have
a strong influence on my life.

Mum remembers me attending
one of her shows in particular.

JILL PERRYMAN: About 1965,
when I was doing the second
female lead in 'Hello, Dolly!' -
I've done it twice, twice in
30 years. You can't beat
public demand, can you?
But in 1965 I was the
second lead. It was a
period costume time,
you see, with a bustle
at the back. And you
and your sister were
in the box. It must
have been a special
treat because you
didn't usually go into
the box on the matinee
days. And you must have
gone there with strict
instructions to be good.

But seeing your mum
in costume can be a
bit confusing for a little fella.

I heard this young voice
from the box which broke
up the audience because
this voice said, "God, look
at Mum's funny bum," you see.

Despite the fact that Mum
and Dad always had to travel,
we were there with them.
Life was an adventure.

We really wanted to have
our kids around us rather
than, if we went on tour,
we'd leave you behind
somewhere. I think it was
the main reason for us being
together - we wanted to be
there when you were
growing up along the way.

But that meant that
continuity of education
was pretty hard.

Dad and I didn't quite
know what to do about
yours and your sister's
education, 'cause you were
just going to the local school
in Melbourne.
It was both the...I think it
was the headmistress of one
school and the headmaster
of the other school said,
"Have you thought of
correspondence course?"
Well, to me correspondence
course was either for
diplomats' children or
children that were in
the far outback in Australia,
you know? And they said,
"No, no, no. You do it,
but you have to be the

It was good fun, in a way.
We learnt a lot. We saw
you develop as a person.
We saw you learn.
I think it was a wonderful
preparation for university
and later education because
you're taught, like they
tell us, and they did tell
us at the time, that,
"Definitely only help
them when they really
need help. Make them
find out for themselves.
" You were given a list of
reference books and things
to study before you
did the test paper.
No, no, that was good.

I did manage to make
it to a few schools.
And then, of course,
there was the school play.

You hadn't rehearsed or
given any indication that
you could sing. I think
around about that time
I might have been doing
'Pippin', I'm not sure.
And the Farnham influence
on you came out and Mum
and I just looked at each
other and said, "He's good.
He's good. Where did this
all come from?" 'Cause we
didn't encourage you.
We didn't discourage.

You know you get that
moment and you think,
"Is he that good? Is this real?"
You know, you don't want
to think that perhaps your
child has got a certain talent
'cause you know what pitfalls
are going to be ahead for
them. I think that was the
first eye-opener, that we
realised that there was
something lying dormant
there that was in the
chemistry and it would
come out eventually.
And it has, you see?

And that brings us to an
interesting point.
If you're in the
entertainment industry
all your life would you
wish it on your children?

Did you have hopes and
aspirations for me to go
into the theatre?

Not really. If you wanted to
do it that was fine.
Um, I would have been
there if you wanted
advice on it. You'd probably
go to Mum more for
advice, I think, because
you're frightened of what
I'll say. But... (Laughs)
But, no. No, I didn't have
aspirations of you doing it.
And I was very adamant
in the fact that I didn't
want you to be what I
call an 'obnoxious
theatrical kid' or,
you know, full of your
own importance. I felt
that you should do
some sport, which
you liked, which was
great. Because I felt
in our way of life,
our world of life,
our theatrical way
of life, it was good
for you to realise
that there were
other things in life
besides the theatre.

So where did I end up?
Well, education was
important to me.
I got myself a
university degree.
But the stage was still calling.

Did you find it unusual
that when I achieved my
university degree I went
off and joined a rock band?

Not at all. (Laughs)
Not one bit. See, that's what's
so good. I don't like things
that follow a pattern.
I love things...
It's the adventure of
show business or even
environmental science.
You never know what's
around the corner.
That's why I love this
business. It's the uncertainty
that can drive you up
the wall, but it's the
uncertainty that I love,
because it just keeps
you on edge, which I like.
I don't know what your
father would say. (Laughs)

Alright, you've been asking
us a few questions. What about
if we ask you? What influence
did being brought up by us in
the theatre have on your life?

I think it's changed my
personality. I'm quieter than
I normally would have been.

(Laughs) That's a joke!

Um, I think that, by
growing up in a theatrical
family, it's given me the
courage to stand on my
own two feet and to accept
responsibility and not to shy
away from the limelight.
I guess there are some
people that don't want
to be in the limelight.
But if you've got the
courage enough to get
up and do it, whether
you're good, bad or
indifferent, you stand
on your own two feet
and you just, you know, persist.

Well, I guess this is where
I've ended up - in front of
the camera. You can also
find me behind a microphone
with my band and also some
radio work. Am I a natural-born
performer or did I learn to
live this way? I don't know.
But I wouldn't be dead for quids.

Thanks, Tod. Exit stage left.
And aren't his mum and dad
looking and sounding terrific?
Particularly Jill, for all her
fans out there. You too, Kev.

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