Sunday, May 26, 2013

SLSAWA Champions

Over the weekend, the band did an events night for the Surf Life Saving Asociation of Western Australia and had a ball.
An amazing bunch of like minded people who dedicate so much of their time to the community and to saving lives.
These bronzed Aussies come from all walks of life and think nothing of giving up a total weekend just to sit and be ready if needed.
We all need champions, people to admire and respect, especially at a time when our suburbs are easily fractured and here they are, under our noses at the beaches around the state.
There are many volunteers within our daily structure who do such a great job and need to be acknowledged now and then.
The SLSAWA are a group who compete and assist and support and respect and I will now do the same, at a greater level.
All of these people are champions in my eyes.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The MC Guy

The MC Guy will be busy again ...                                                       soon...

More music ...

These days for me, the wallet is not on my music equation. I personally just love writing music and poems and if they are enjoyed by anyone, bonus.

The dream is still alive bit the difference is, I'm sleeping better now than ever. No sleep lost.

It has been a while...

It has been a while since I played with the blogging world due to me being a little busy and also, probably a little slack in coming to play. The is a time and a place for all things and now, after the big holiday and heaps of work, the slow time of winter approaches and it's time to observe and transmit.

Looking forward to what comes out of this headspace and I will be back...