Sunday, April 6, 2008


Noun1.honour - the state of being honored
standing - social or financial or professional status or reputation; "of equal standing"; "a member in good standing"
glorification, glory - a state of high honor; "he valued glory above life itself"
fame, renown, celebrity - the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed
esteem, respect, regard - the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded); "it is held in esteem"; "a man who has earned high regard"
reputation, repute - the state of being held in high esteem and honor

2.honourhonour - a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction; "an award for bravery"
trophy, prize - something given as a token of victory
aliyah - (Judaism) the honor of being called up to the reading desk in the synagogue to read from the Torah; "he was called on for an aliyah"
academic degree, degree - an award conferred by a college or university signifying that the recipient has satisfactorily completed a course of study; "he earned his degree at Princeton summa cum laude"
pennant, crown - the award given to the champion
cachet, seal of approval, seal - an indication of approved or superior status
citation, commendation - an official award (as for bravery or service) usually given as formal public statement
honorable mention, mention - an official recognition of merit; "although he didn't win the prize he did get special mention"
varsity letter, letter - an award earned by participation in a school sport; "he won letters in three sports"
laurel wreath, medal, decoration, ribbon, medallion, palm - an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event
trophy - an award for success in war or hunting
symbol - an arbitrary sign (written or printed) that has acquired a conventional significance
Emmy - an annual award by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for outstanding achievements in television
Nobel prize - an annual award for outstanding contributions to chemistry or physics or physiology and medicine or literature or economics or peace
Academy Award, Oscar - an annual award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for achievements in motion picture production and performance
Prix de Rome - an annual prize awarded by the French government in a competition of painters and artists and sculptors and musicians and architects; the winner in each category receives support for a period of study in Rome
Prix Goncourt - an award given annually for contributions to French literature

3.honour - the quality of being honorable and having a good name; "a man of honor"
righteousness - adhering to moral principles

4.honour - a woman's virtue or chastity
sexual morality, chastity, virtue - morality with respect to sexual relations
Verb1.honour - bestow honor or rewards upon; "Today we honor our soldiers"; "The scout was rewarded for courageous action"
salute, toast, wassail, drink, pledge - propose a toast to; "Let us toast the birthday girl!"; "Let's drink to the New Year"
recognise, recognize - show approval or appreciation of; "My work is not recognized by anybody!"; "The best student was recognized by the Dean"
dignify, ennoble - confer dignity or honor upon; "He was dignified with a title"
decorate - award a mark of honor, such as a medal, to; "He was decorated for his services in the military"

2.honourhonour - show respect towards; "honor your parents!"
accept - consider or hold as true; "I cannot accept the dogma of this church"; "accept an argument"
lionise, lionize, celebrate - assign great social importance to; "The film director was celebrated all over Hollywood"; "The tenor was lionized in Vienna"
tolerate - recognize and respect (rights and beliefs of others); "We must tolerate the religions of others"

3.honour - accept as pay; "we honor checks and drafts"
accept, take, have - receive willingly something given or offered; "The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter"; "I won't have this dog in my house!"; "Please accept my present"