Express yourself, Change the world
connect2earth is a new online community where you can upload videos, pictures and comments about the environment. And you can win cool prizes and change the world at the same time!
By taking part in connect2earth you're becoming part of the solution that we are so badly missing.
You'll be helping move hearts, minds and thoughts towards and beyond mere recognition of "sure, we know something's not quite right with the planet these days" to one of actions and commitments from people who can do more than just change their lightbulbs.
Sign up now and start changing the world!
After all, at its core essence this is about planet saving. It is about doing something. It is about shouting loud.
If we get enough people saying "hey, they've got something here" or "I like this" then you'll get one helluva decent reward. Nokia is offering a multi-functional, state-of-the-art super lovin' mega groovy Nokia Xpress Music Phone every month to those who can "wow" the rest of us the most.
And to top it all off 1 lucky winner will be invited to present their ideas at the World Conservation Congress, which is taking place in Barcelona, Spain this October. So you could be there, telling the world why you care about the planet!
Are you ready to give the world a wake up call?
Sign up now and start changing the world!
Check out what other people have been adding and get some inspiration